Parents and community members are encouraged and welcomed to participate on school council. It is a great way to be involved in developing the long-term direction of the college.

All school councils in Victoria operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Each school council is established by an Order of the Minister for Education, which specifies the council’s membership, size and configuration, its objectives, powers, functions and accountabilities and the role of its executive officer who is the Principal. The school council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction.

The College Council is the peak policy decision making body in the College community. It has the power to select and appoint the College Principal. Its responsibilities include curriculum development, financial management, facilities maintenance and fund-raising.

The Council consists  of seventeen elected members – six parent members, five staff members (including the College Principal), two student members and four community members. The latter represent the College’s Community Voice and includes the current College Captains.

Business is normally transacted at a sub-committee level and ratified at full Council meetings. The standing sub-committees are Policy and Development and Finance and Facilities.

Council meets at least eight times a year, normally on the first Tuesday evening each month or the nearest available Tuesday in the case of vacations.

The College Council is led by the President supported by the Vice President, Secretary (College Principal) and the Treasurer. Permanent observers include the Assistant Principals and the Business Manager.

College Council Elected Members

PresidentCindy Pilepich
Vice PresidentJol Alexander
TreasurerEric Du
Parent MemberCharni Pilkington
Parent MemberDianne Rickard
Parent MemberManpreet Kaur
Parent MemberSinon Sil
Student MemberMia Pham
Student MemberRoe Mam
Community MemberHemita Chandramoorthy – College Captain
Community MemberParis Tong – College Captain
Community MemberChris Doan – SRC President
Community MemberDorothy Cai – SRC President

Elected DE staff

Executive OfficerChris Knight
Staff MemberSimon Coles
Staff MemberEric Du
Staff MemberJackson Keat
Staff MemberJessica Wallis

Assistant Principals

Dan Butler
Brendan Dwyer
Marina Stergiou

Business Manager

Sharon Graham

College Community Voice

The College Community Voice meet once a term on a Wednesday evening. The meetings commence from 6.00 pm and provides an important forum for discussion and feedback on College policies and practices.

The group assists with social events, raises funds for the College and represents the views of the community to the Principal. It is represented on College Council by a parent member. The group gives further support to the College with the provision of funds for equipment and facilities and prizes on Awards Night. If you would like join Community Voice please email us at